Tainan's garbage mountain has nowhere to go! With 300,000 tons of accumulated waste, it will take 20 years to incinerate all of it|20230502


Tainan's garbage mountain has nowhere to go! With 300,000 tons of accumulated waste, it will take 20 years to incinerate all of it|20230502

Tainan City generates about 1,800 tons of garbage daily, but the existing processing capacity is insufficient. With only two incineration plants available, 450 tons of waste remain unprocessed each day. Over time, this has led to a significant waste management crisis, with 300,000 tons of accumulated garbage piling up like a small mountain. It is estimated that it will take 20 years to incinerate all of this waste.

Douliu's Garbage Problem, Which Has Lasted Over 2 Years, Sees a Resolution|20191213


Douliu's Garbage Problem, Which Has Lasted Over 2 Years, Sees a Resolution|20191213

The Huxi temporary waste transfer station in Douliu has accumulated nearly 20,000 tons of garbage, with the bottom layers of waste having been piled up for over two years. To address the waste problem, the Douliu City Office has secured funding from the Yunlin County Government to implement a waste-packing solution. This involves crushing and compressing the waste, then wrapping it in layers of specially designed combustible film to contain odors and reduce the space required for temporary storage. The goal is to maintain environmental hygiene and alleviate the issues caused by the garbage mountain for nearby residents.

The temporary waste station in Douliu, Yunlin, has now been in operation for two years, during which time garbage has accumulated to 20,000 tons.


The temporary waste station in Douliu, Yunlin, has now been in operation for two years, during which time garbage has accumulated to 20,000 tons.

The temporary waste transfer station in Huxi, Douliu City, currently holds nearly 20,000 tons of garbage, with the bottom layers having been piled up for over two years. This large accumulation of waste has significantly impacted the quality of life for nearby residents. To address the issue, the Douliu City Office has secured funding from the county government to implement a waste-packing solution. This process involves crushing and compressing the waste, then wrapping it in layers of specially designed combustible film to contain odors and reduce the space needed for temporary storage. The goal is to maintain environmental hygiene and alleviate the problems caused by the garbage mountain for local residents.



The "mountain" of waste in Douliu, which has been packed into large "space bags" (bulk waste bags), is expected to be cleared before the Lunar New Yea

At the temporary waste transfer station in Huxi, Douliu City, Yunlin County, a mountain of over 10,000 tons of garbage has accumulated, with the bottom layers sitting there for more than two years. This has significantly impacted the surrounding environment and the quality of life in nearby Citong Township. To address the crisis, the Douliu City Office secured funding from the Yunlin County government to pack and seal the piled-up waste, preventing odors and wastewater from further polluting the area. So far, 7,000 tons of waste have been packed, with 4,000 tons remaining on-site. Mayor Lin Sheng-jue stated that the remaining garbage will be transported to incineration facilities, and the entire site will be cleared before the Lunar New Year.

With garbage piling up into mountains, the Yunlin County government has begun efforts to reduce the odor and volume of waste by packing it up starting


With garbage piling up into mountains, the Yunlin County government has begun efforts to reduce the odor and volume of waste by packing it up starting

[Reporter Huang Shuli / Yunlin] Yunlin County has long relied on outsourcing for waste disposal. However, when incinerators in other counties undergo maintenance or experience malfunctions, it becomes difficult to manage the waste. Currently, more than 60,000 tons of garbage are piled up across the county, with over 20,000 tons in Xiluo alone, causing widespread public complaints. In response, the Yunlin County government has launched a waste packing plan today to reduce odors and address the issue of insufficient storage space.



The "Ten-Thousand-Ton Garbage Mountain" in Nantou has nowhere to be incinerated, spreading a foul stench|20210902

Nantou County does not have its own waste incineration plant, so most of the garbage is sent to the Taichung City incineration plant for disposal. However, in recent years, the Taichung incineration plant has been shut down for annual maintenance, leaving Nantou County with no place to send its waste. As a result, garbage has piled up into mountains, with some areas even seeing "garbage waterfalls." The county government is urging the central authorities to assist with waste management and plan for the construction of an incineration plant to resolve the growing waste problem.




In collaboration with the Environmental Protection Bureau and the local government's cleaning team, Revival environmental Industries' waste